Somewhat of a Composting Manifesto…

As my time winds down in the Bay Area, I start to think about what I’m returning home to.

A city that aspires to be the east coast version of San Francisco, and in a few ways is.  Although not nearly as awesome and still has a lot of work to do.

Anyway, if you haven’t googled me out yet, I will say that I work for a super-reputable hospital, one that is in the process of implementing composting.  Obviously, this is my main goal at the moment, and we will succeed.

We’re going to be the first hospital in Philadelphia composting on a ginormous scale, starting with the food prep area and cafeteria, and expanding into restrooms and who knows what else.  My extreme views will have every office space building a worm bin and having ambassadors so that the material is properly handled.

Do any of you out there realize that the healthcare industry totally sucks when it comes to waste generation?  And it’s my lifetime goal to change that, since working at a top hospital and getting them to do the right thing is the way for all hospitals to do the right thing.  If any of my readers are in healthcare, contact me to get yourselves a free consultation and on the right track to reducing waste, saving a ton of money and having fun in the process.

Anyway, composting is possible across the world, no matter how big an institution is, and no matter what lousy excuse you give me.

Make a personal pledge to yourself to make waste reduction a primary focus, and then make it second nature.  I dare you to not find it contagious.  I dare you to dislike it and tell me it’s irrelevant and not a pressing issue.

Take these newfound behavioral changes and implement them at home?  How hard was that?  I know, right?  Christ.  Look at you, doing the right thing and having fun doing it… imagine that.

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