I was just turned on to this earlier today…look familiar?
The only differences I see between this and the Worm Inn are the design of the top ( the Swag has a velcro enclosure, the Inn a zipper) and also the stand. The stand they use here looks super sturdy…might cost more to ship? Not sure.
This also looks like it may be a bigger capacity than the standard Worm Inn… anyone have one of these?
Yes, I’ve got The Worm Swag. Australian made, and now is in a thicker material. Very safe and great for composting. Saw the Worm Inn and it looked like a very home made laundry bag tht wouldn’t withstand being outside. The Swag is so much better than my old tray system it’s crazy. They cost less than somebody else’s design who was trying to get you to make your own, so better to buy from the real company I reckon. They’re on ebay too in Asutralia for a good price.