“Can I Compost This?” Series #4: Tea Bags?

Lately I've been having a lot of fun with contacting companies that I like (and don't like) and asking them how compostable their product is.  The results have usually been pretty entertaining.  I don't drink a lot of tea, but when I do, it's ginger Yogi Tea.  They definitely carry a good rep, and they didn't disappoint here. I sent them an email asking about their tea bags... What are they made of?  Are they compostable?  It appears that tea bags normally are, but as of late have been moving over to nylon bags due to higher strength...not compostable.  In fact, I wonder if I really want to be dipping nylon in near-boiling water.  While heating and burning aren't the same thing, burning nylon is definitely toxic.  Not trying to…

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