Worm Inn MEGA Review

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpWnZP0YDbU The Worm Inn MEGA is the latest improvement on the original Worm Inn system. With this system you can turn huge quantities of organic materials into worm castings fairly quickly, without the hassle. Simply add a layer of shredded cardboard, some shredded paper, a dash of leaves and of course food scraps. Let the material sit for a week while you order the red wiggler worms for the system. One to two pounds of red wigglers is plenty to get started while you get the hang of their behavior. From there, it's as easy as adding your food scraps each week and removing fresh castings from the bottom via the drawstring opening (initially this will take a few weeks). This system reigns superior over the others simply due to…

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How to Screen Worm Compost (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtEIYdDmyZQ Here's a neat video on how to screen worm compost.  Cassandra keeps it simple in this video and has some nice results.  I do pretty much the same thing, except my screen is a repurposed basket with a piece of wire mesh placed in the bottom. She makes mention of running a fan over the top of the castings when you first harvest them...it's true- when you first remove your castings and put the worms back, the stuff is so gooey that a screen doesn't work so well.  Drying them out just a bit will help, although I wouldn't want to dry them too much and risk losing some of their benefit.

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Guide to Composting in the Winter (article)

Have you ever checked out the website earth911.com?  I've checked it out plenty when it comes to finding recycling avenues for anything imaginable...but I never thought to see if they had any material on composting.  It turns out that they do, and I've been asked a lot about starting a compost pile in the winter.  While composting isn't easy in the wintertime, it is doable.  Let's see what earth911 has to say about it in the article below... Just as you started to get into a solid groove with your compost pile this past summer and fall, churning over plentiful amounts of that beautiful garden gold, BAM! Winter hits. But don’t throw in the shovel just because a white blanket of snow or a hardened sheet of ice now sits…

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