Basic Gardening Tips: When is the Compost Pile Finished?

httpv:// How long does the composting process take? How do you know when it's finished? These are two questions that have so many variables that it's hard to answer succinctly. You can expect 6 weeks as a quicker (and not normal) turnaround time, but more like several months and up to a year, depending on how often the material is turned, how shredded the content is, how balanced the pile is, etc. To know when it's finished is to look at it and not recognize anything in there. I like to run my finished material through a sieve to check and make sure i don't have anything else lurking in there can happen. In the video above, Tia talks about this and shows us what some finished material looks…

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The BEST Compost Recipe (video)

httpv:// I can't believe I never heard of this guy before. If you live somewhere that has kudzu and manure nearby, I suggest paying close attention to this dude. He has good insights on his material selection, like why you should use cow manure instead of horse manure (although either works), or when to use straw. One day I'll have enough material to create a massive pile like this guy does...the temperatures you can reach with huge piles is pretty impressive. Dude's not messing around!

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Can You Compost Dryer Lint & Vacuum Dust? (video)

httpv:// Can you compost dryer lint and vacuum dust? It's a tough call. Both of these items may contain synthetic fibers, but if you know what you have, the answer may be simple. Stuff to consider: What's your clothing made of? Apparently dryer lint consists mostly of pieces of cotton coming off your stuff. However, I'd imagine there's some synthetics in there. I think vacuum bags are a much simpler answer as they're mainly dirt, skin, hair and dust. What do you think? Leave a comment and let me know!

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