Anaerobic Composting – How Does It Work?

httpv:// Anaerobic composting is a simple and fun alternative to the usual composting methods, such as using a compost bin, a tumbler, or worms.  While it may be the easiest way to do it, it takes a really long time to finish. All you need is two thick black garbage bags, a bucket to measure out the contents and some water.  Add equal parts shredded food scraps (no meat/dairy/seafood), soil+some finished compost, and "brown" materials (shredded leaves, shredded paper).  Add some water to get the material damp, but not completely soaked.  Tie off the bag, then put it inside the other garbage bag and tie that off, too.  All done! This process is often said to finish within 6-8 weeks, but based on my findings here, I'm willing to bet…

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Guide to Composting in the Winter (article)

Have you ever checked out the website  I've checked it out plenty when it comes to finding recycling avenues for anything imaginable...but I never thought to see if they had any material on composting.  It turns out that they do, and I've been asked a lot about starting a compost pile in the winter.  While composting isn't easy in the wintertime, it is doable.  Let's see what earth911 has to say about it in the article below... Just as you started to get into a solid groove with your compost pile this past summer and fall, churning over plentiful amounts of that beautiful garden gold, BAM! Winter hits. But don’t throw in the shovel just because a white blanket of snow or a hardened sheet of ice now sits…

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Top Ten Secrets – #1 Compost, How and Why

httpv:// This guy rules.  He goes over a number of different methods to get started composting, but what I like is his first method discussed is simply digging a hole.  This is how I got started, and I still like to bury food scraps from time to time in a pit just for fun. He has great energy... I really like how he blasts store bought compost activators as a waste of time- they are.  They might work but they're definitely not worth it. Whether it's a hole in the ground, a bin or a tumbler, you can get started composting quite easily and start turning your waste into a valuable resource.  

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