Quick Compost for West Africa (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um07cEViUFU I now have a new item on my list for things to do before I die.  Creating a compost pile in West Africa is obviously not the same as making one here in west Philadelphia.  The mix of materials, the group effort, and especially the dancing during the compaction step makes this video so great to watch...this puts all my efforts to shame! It's great to observe the differences here... they aren't adding shredded cardboard and paper to their pile.  Instead, they have large windrows filled with chicken and cow manure, sorghum chat, millet, etc.  Further, their soil is really acidic, so they add cook fire ash to help neutralize the process.  I have no doubt that they create beautiful compost, and I hope to one day participate in…

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How do you Empty the Worm Inn? (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDlgJdJPJc4 I've been getting a lot of email regarding how to empty the Worm Inn composting system: How do you get the castings out? How do you keep the worms from escaping? Do you have to screen through all the material you just put in? All questions with super simple answers. Since worms eat the material from the bottom up, they leave behind their precious castings. As you can see in the video, you simply open the drawstrings and take them out. If you find a worm, you've reached the end of your castings and you simply put the worm back in the top of the Worm Inn. There may be an odd piece of unprocessed material as you dig through the castings, but as with the worms, just put…

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