Worm bin drama

I got a new package of worms in the mail yesterday...sounds great, right?  Thanks for the worms, Bentley! I had a bin all ready to go for them, filled with moldy food scraps and shredded cardboard.  Around 7pm I put them in their new habitat, stared at them for a while, then went out for some food. I came back a few hours later, and whaddya know, they're all over my floor in slimy clumps.  Believe it or not, this is somewhat normal for worms in the beginning as they figure out their new living situation. How did I solve the problem?  Well, I put the container directly underneath a light since the worms don't like light so much.  Further, I began shredding through all the paper I could find,…

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You know you’re a compostaholic when…

...you return from a vacation and psyched on the moldy food in your fridge. No matter how hard I try, I always have something that goes bad...but who cares.  In the compost it goes.  This time it was some tofurky, green peppers and grapes. I split up the spoils amongst the worm bin and the composter, so the tofurky and grapes went to the worms, and the green peppers went to the tumbler. Speaking of which, my new worm delivery was put on hold since I was on the left coast, and in the meantime it's picked up an awesome amount of mold...check it out: Is this a problem?  Nope.  Mold is not to be a concern in the bin.  It sure does look ugly, though.  If anything, before I…

Continue ReadingYou know you’re a compostaholic when…