Off to the Bay…

For the next 10 days, I'll be hanging out in the Bay Area... I can't wait to take some pictures of the San Francisco composting program.  And of course, I'll be taking photos of trash and recycling cans for Tyler Talks Trash. I find it funny that my favorite part of traveling has become taking pictures of waste receptacles...seriously!  It's always the first thing that comes to mind when I go somewhere. I've heard really good things about San Francisco's composting wouldn't surprise me if Philadelphia followed suit.  I'll have to see what I can do...

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My Experience With Vermicomposting (article)

I found this story, which explains one guy's solution to living in an apartment and wanting to compost.  There wasn't really an option to set up anything large or create something unique, so he went with the worm bin.  I really think worm bins are going to catch on in the future and be more or less well known as something to do. Why should you care?  Well, you shouldn't.  I can't tell you what to do, and frankly I don't want to.  But I can assure you it's fun to compost and that you should give it a shot.  Don't you miss trying out science experiments?  I hated school, but I always loved trying new things...and this is the perfect candidate and it's pretty darn foolproof when you know…

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How to Build a Worm Bin In Under 15 Minutes (video)

httpv:// Woohoo!  I just made a new worm bin. I'm going to go ahead and call it a "Bentley Bin", which I named after Bentley Christie of . He's the true master of vermicomposting, and I highly recommend checking him out to learn everything there is to know about worms. Hit the Like button for the video and leave a comment for me! I'll be posting updates once I get my worms, which should be in about a week.

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