FAQ: Do I need more than one tumbler to make compost?

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I’ve received a lot of emails asking me if I need two compost tumblers to make composting work. The answer:

No way.

I totally understand that the cost of a compost tumbler can be prohibitive for some, and I agree that they’re not cheap. It really depends on the situation to know what works best. In some instances, tumblers are perfect, in others they’re not practical at all. Factors such as space, aesthetics, and amount of material all weigh heavily.

If you do decide to go with a tumbler, you can always fill it 3/4s of the way, then all further waste for the next 12 weeks or so divide up into other composting efforts. For example, I put portions of my waste in my worm composting system, and the rest I bury in the ground next to the compost tumbler.

If you happen to glance over my videos, some of them show a second, smaller tumbler next to my usual one. Envirocycle liked my videos so much that they sent me that one as a thank you! Pretty awesome. I pretty much don’t have to bury material anymore since I can use the Mini as well. I have some really lush compost that I just pulled from it recently…I totally forgot about it and now it’s pretty nice.

Anyway, to reiterate, you do not need two compost tumblers at all…you can pull off one or none just as easily.

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