Making Free Garden Fertilizer (Survival Gardener Minute #026) David breaks down the top tips to ensure you're able to compost in the city without any issues with the neighbors. It really is as simple as covering your food scrap deposits and being cool with your neighbors to begin with. Listen to the Survival Gardener- he's on the money.
I totally forgot about this trash can composter- I filled it to the brim by the end of June 2019. I switched over to a Geobin compost bin since then, and it's still not full- if you can swing a compost bin in your yard, it makes composting super easy. Although I didn't feel like emptying it today, I felt like checking it out. The bin has plenty of holes, even in the lid- I do this so that rain can get in there to keep the contents a bit wet. I kept the lid off of it whenever it would rain just so it could get a little boost- compost piles crave moisture. Leaving it alone for over eight months is a good amount of time to let it…